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For many, enjoying a glass of wine at the end of the day is a great way to wind down. As it turns out, wine has several health benefits associated with drinking in moderation, aside from helping us relax. So whether you enjoy a glass at social gatherings, or as a pairing to a home-cooked meal, here are some of the many health benefits of wine.

Heart health

One of the most commonly known benefits of drinking wine is for improved heart health. Red wine may help lower the risk of heart disease due to the tannins which contain procyanidins. Procyanidins can protect against heart disease by neutralizing free radicals and enhancing the flow of blood in blood vessels. Red wine is also known to contain antioxidants called polyphenols. Resveratrol is one polyphenol that is believed to have health-healthy benefits. Research shows that resveratrol may be a fundamental component in preventing blood clots and reducing inflammation and cholesterol.

Increased bone density

People who drink wine in moderation as part of their diet are known to have higher bone mass than those who do not drink wine regularly. This is because alcohol is thought to boost levels of estrogen in the body. High levels of the estrogen hormone can slow the destruction of old bone.

Reduced risk of cancer

Drinking wine may be essential for those who have an increased risk of cancer. Colon, prostate, and breast cancer risks may all be reduced by consuming red wine. In addition to the antioxidants present in wine, resveratrol fights against cancerous cells in the same way they do against heart disease. A study from Harvard Men’s Watch reported that men who had an average of four to seven glasses of red wine every week had a 52 percent less likely chance of being diagnosed with prostate cancer when compared to those who did not drink.

Better brain function

Studies show that wine drinkers brain function declines at a slower rate than nondrinkers. This may be due to the reduced inflammation of blood vessels and the increase of good cholesterol in the body. Wine has also been shown to activate the brain more than any other human behavior.

Increased longevity

In addition to the decreased risks of cancer and the other previously mentioned health benefits, drinking wine can prolong an individual’s life. Longevity can be promoted through resveratrol which can activate an anti-aging acting protein. In a Finnish study published in the Journals of Gerontology, wine drinkers were shown to have a 34 percent lower mortality rate.